
Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

Taking Care of Your Mental Health with Tech


Over half of small business owners struggle with their mental health. Whether you’re a solopreneur or an SME or the CEO of a global brand, running a business is stressful! Using technology to support good mental health involves leveraging apps, devices, and online platforms to enhance well-being. With so many options available now, how can we choose what’s right for our own wellbeing? Our experts discuss the benefits of the myriad options , and share their own personal experiences overcoming mental health challenges. 


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Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

Hormones, Metabolism & Our Stages of Life


Hormones and metabolism are words we commonly use to describe health issues. But the key lies in understanding the role hormones play in metabolic changes throughout the cycles of our life. For example, hormonal fluctuations during menopause can impact our body’s ability to maintain a healthy metabolism. We bring together metabolic health experts, menopause and life cycle advocates and specialists to explain how to have optimal hormonal and metabolic health.


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Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

The Funny Business of Wellness


This session breakout injects some humor into proceedings with a lighthearted  approach to wellness and tech. Having the ability to not take ourselves and our businesses so seriously that we don’t allow for playtime and creativity is the opposite of wellness.


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Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

The Health of Your Business


Q: What do you need for a successful business? A: A great plan, a business bank, a platform that serves your customers, brand awareness and the most current technology. We’ve got you covered with an expert panel who offer practical, useful advice for going from start-up to profit-generating in no time!


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Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

Creating A Diverse Culture as You Build Your Business


The wellness, health and femtech landscapes have created more opportunity for diversity as founders build their startups. About 50-60% of health-related organizations, including those in wellness, have implemented DEI initiatives, that not only give them skin in the game, but also empower them to help all their employees healthier. However, despite these efforts, many companies report challenges in achieving a common understanding of health equity, which is seen as a barrier to implementing a culture of inclusion. Our experts explore explore strategies to address this inequity.


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Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

Wellness in the Workplace


Workplace wellness has come a long way from simply offering staff members vacation time and casual Friday!  From health screenings and fitness programs, mental health support,  nutritional guidance and flexible working options, tech is creating an array of services and programs to ensure employee health, wellness, and happiness.


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Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Panel Chris Schwartz-Edmisten

DEI & Sustainability - The Key to a Well Business


The scope of sustainability has broadened beyond the environmental footprint. For example, it now includes factors like human rights and social responsibility,  meaning DEI and Sustainability have begun to overlap. In simple words, sustainability is understanding that how we live today affects the ability of all future generations to lead a good life. It's a company's effect on the environment, economy and society. An organization's sustainability strategy typically aims to positively impact these areas, thus helping address some of the most pressing problems of today, such as: Climate change, depletion of natural resources, gender inequality, racial and social injustice.


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Michaelene Holder head shot

"I am thrilled to join the Well-Tech Advisory Board for its strategic and operational potential to drive meaningful impact in the healthcare space. By leveraging digital innovations and fostering strategic partnerships, the Board has a unique opportunity to revolutionise healthcare delivery, enhance patient experiences, and address critical healthcare challenges. I am eager to contribute my expertise to shape strategic initiatives that will shape the future of healthcare and improve outcomes for individuals and communities worldwide. The only way to reimagine healthcare for all is through digital health."

- Michaelene Holder-March

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